The end of an era…..

So, from Feb 2007 until November 2008 I worked for ABM Janitorial. As of December 2008 I work for New Edge Networks! an Earthlink Company!

I am SO Excited for this day! I have longed for this day, when I could get back to what I wanted to be doing in the first place, Customer Service. I left that field in 2006 when I was under the idea of making more money with another company and found out I had messed that up really bad and since then I have been trying to get it all back, and I have!!!!

I am back.

Sick and tired.

Friday I started feeling yucky and yesterday and today are no different. I feel so congested and my cough is horrible. I hate getting sick. its just not a feeling I enjoy having. Although Hot Apple Cider really did a number for me 🙂 tasted nice and helpped my throat.

Friday was the second Computer Geek meeting. I am really excited to see what God has in store for this group. There are so many possibilities and I can’t get over how God has brought so many knowledgeable people into one group. It is pretty awesome I hafta say.

Well, I am going to go get some Tea or Hot Apple Cider (whichever i can find)

Take care of yourselfs and don’t catch what I got.

– Dan